Bolton 01204 565 234 Burnley 01282 575 234

£29,000 threshold

Will the £29,000 threshold apply to my constituent when they extend their spouse/partner visa on or after 11 April, or is it solely applicable to first-time visa applicants?

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Key changes to its immigration rules 2024

The UK has introduced several key changes to its immigration rules affecting EEA and EU dependants in 2024. These changes reflect the government's intention to reduce net migration and make it more challenging for visa holders to bring their partners and children to the UK. Here's a summary of the significant updates:

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EEA Family Members

David Cameron negotiates a restriction on the right of non-EEA nationals to join their EEA spouses in the Host Member State under EU law.

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Immigration Act 2014

I had a bail application yesterday for a detainee at Manchester IAC which fell under the new rules requiring SSHD’s consent for release. The judge only realised this after he had retired to consider his decision, prior to which it appeared very likely That the decision would have been a favourable one. The judge returned and said that his decision to release would be “useless as it was subject to the SSHD’s consent”, wrongly speculating that consent would inevitably be witheld. The HOPO, on hearing this then said that it would be unlikely that he would consent if bail was granted. Shockingly the judge then went on to refuse the bail, despite my best efforts to convince him that the whole decision making procedure had just been turned upside down! I hope this isnt a sign of things to come. I got my injunction on removal the next day thankfully.

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Immigration Accreditation

We are proud to announce that we are now members of The Law Society's Immigration and Asylum Law Accreditation Scheme. This is an independent objective mark of high standards and competency in all types of immigration and asylum law work.

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Immigration Accreditation

*We are proud to announce that we are members of The Law Society's Immigration and Asylum Law Accreditation Scheme. This is an independent objective mark of high standards and competency in all types of immigration and asylum law work. As members of the scheme we have shown, to the satisfaction of the Law Society, that we have and will maintain a high level of knowledge, skills, experience and practice in the area of immigration and asylum law. You can rest assured that we are able to deliver good quality advice in practical terms and identify practical solutions to practical problems. *

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£18,600 minimum income threshold for spouses

The Home Office has updated its statistics on the number of families with pending applications separated by the £18,600 minimum income threshold for spouses. At the end of December 2013 it was 3,014. At the end of March it stood at 3,641. That is a LOT of separated families and an almost unimaginable amount of anguish. All caused by the Government David Cameron said in Opposition he wanted “to be ...the most family friendly Government we’ve ever had in this country and that is about everything we do to support families and it’s about supporting every sort of family.”

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Customer Review

*Vicky Beduk*

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Customer Review

*Faye Jenings*

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